Wednesday, December 5, 2007

[ iPod touch ]

i wasn't going to say anything but the day i bought the voyager and bb curve, i bought myself an iPod touch too.... ---hangs head in shame--- now that i'm writing this all out, i'm extremely embarrassed at my spending habits =/

IRA? ROTH IRA? CD? 401K? what's that??????
(just messing... ok, not really hahah)

ANYWAY, so back to the story.... well let's just make the long story short. since i need it more for the web than music / videos, it didn't work out for me.

iphone to the left, to the left!
+ slimmer, lighter, and more compact!
+ wifi ;)

+ if you are no where near hotspots, it is EXTREMELY frustrating... but basically the touch is the reason i bought my iphone.... because when it IS connected, it's an absolutely dope device :)

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