Friday, November 30, 2007

[ can the knicks be fixed ]

[ can the knicks be fixed ]
Originally uploaded by mooonnaaa
Sent from my BlackBerry Curve

[ C--- ]

[ C--- ]
Originally uploaded by mooonnaaa
so the other day skimming through the wall street journal <--- complete fluke, i swear!!! my regular reading materials consists of glossy pages that align the supermarket checkout lines filled with pictures and advertisements only found in email spam folders.... you know, the 'enlarge your penis', 'increase your libido', and of course the 'come find sexy singles in your area!' ads....???? =/

ANYWAY back to sounding like a 'normal' functioning person in society. HA!

right smack on the second page was an article about a certain ex mayor turned leading republican candidate... rudy!

now as opinionated as i am about politics, i do not believe this is the time nor the place to drone on and on about this topic... but i wanted to share this one part which i thought was fantastically hilarious!

........seriously. i can't be the only person who found the four letter 'c' word CRAP bleeped out funny, so i decided to share. ESPECIALLY since the context of this particular article was about conservatives. hahahahhaahahaha!!! hiiiilarious!!!

...........and in other news in mona-land
i am VERY much enjoying the current city im in, and all that it has to offer :)

until we meet again

*please excuse the fuzziness... my blackberry's camera doesn't have macro!
Sent from my BlackBerry Curve

[ ???????? ]

[ ???????? ]
Originally uploaded by mooonnaaa
so i saw this on my way out this morning waiting for the elevator and got so confused! seriously, what in the world could this mean??

nano structure = structure of (iPod) nanos?, breakdown of nano-years?, maybe it could be scientifical and correlate with flux capacitors! who knows WHAT kinda nano is being referenced here!


im ashamed to admit i've NEVER heard of until today =/ what could a photonic be??? like phonics, as in hooked on phonics.. sooo phonetic assistance in pictures??? or maybe a study of photos... electronically??

....aaaaand the kicker, "Muri"


as big of an imagination as i DO have, the only thing that comes to mind is a pet lamb (you know, like mary. as in mary had a little lamb... o hold on.... that's the name of the keeper and not the actual animal... OOPS!.... ANYWAY or a middle eastern dish with a lot of cumin and cous cous...

since this was bugging me the entire car ride over to the office, i decided to ask the front desk. who in turn referred me to the concierge, who in turn told me to ask the people holding the conference, who already left for the day.... =/

maybe i'll just google it. HA!
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[ overly caffeinated ]

hi im mona.... and i am extremely caffeinated right now!!!
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Originally uploaded by mooonnaaa
sam adams winter lager >>>>>
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Originally uploaded by mooonnaaa
Sent from my BlackBerry Curve

Thursday, November 29, 2007


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Originally uploaded by mooonnaaa
Sent via BlackBerry Curve


Originally uploaded by mooonnaaa
cutest and coldest beer ever!
Sent from my BlackBerry Curve


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.