devices from three different carriers. yes, my gadget itch has
suddenly returned....
i started new service with the sidekick 3, upgraded to the blackberry curve,
activated another new service with the verizon voyager, and now
have an iPhone with at and t.... some may say
commitment phobia / a.d.d., i prefer to call this strange behavior
"exploring my options" (or it could be a.d.d., but that's a whole
different entry!)
anyway, conclusions:
1. sidekick 3 = garbage
this device is fantastic for texting and instant messaging but for web
browsing, blogging, social networking (myspacing, facebooking,
youtubing, and yelping) its pure garbage!!! on top of that, everything
is saved on the tmobile proprietary server. meaning if and when the
server is down, one can not access ANY information. texts, emails, phone book... the server was down for about four days a few weeks ago and MAN talk about anxiety!! plus, only 30 max
texts can be saved on the sim card and for people who receive massive
amounts of emails a day will be extremely frustrated since the memory
isnt all that big on the handset....
overall grade = C-
2. blackberry curve
my favorite :)
yes, ive had the known issue problems (memory leak, sudden deletions
of texts and emails without warning, etc) but overall the pros are
irrisistable! size, weight, and ease of use of course... the ability
to utilize 3rd party apps, notification of texts, emails. gchat <---
important!!! aim, yahoo, MSN, icq, right on the phone. the awesomest
camera of allllll time, dope battery life.... shall I keep going?? ;)
Overall = A- / B+
if the browsing experience were better (still haven't downloaded opera mini yet, but i will i will!) it would DEFINITELY be an A!!
......voyager and iphone reviews to follow. this took a lot longer
than i thought to type out.... =/
nite :)
Sent from my iPhone
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