Wednesday, December 5, 2007

dont worry, not a political rant =P

while looking through today's USA today (redundancy <<<), i noticed something really odd. on page 8A, there was a line graph with the presidential hopefuls' numbers... and do you see the same thing i see? yes, there are certain candidates whose names are fully written... for example on the democratic side --john edwards (points below)

and on the republican side, everyone's names are written except rudy and mike huckabee... see below

seriously, why would USA Today do that???
does the author of the line graph prefer edwards over hilary and obama? and did he do the reverse on the republican side since he's alll for rudy and huckabee? or could it plain and simply be for visual balance sake??? i mean really, what could the reason be?
this bugged me the ENTIRE day... so much so i wrote an email to the USA Today's reader editor (see below)

i'm still waiting for a response but will keep y'all updated :)

ps i'm not a fan of the iPhone's camera... so i re-activated my blackberry curve just for data =P yes, i am highly addicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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